L’Odyssée Managériale, a non-profit association under the French Law of 1901, aims to explore and share new management behaviors and practices in all types of organizations worldwide.

Elodie and Dimitri, students at EM Lyon, will be traveling the world for six months to explore innovative management practices and identify business and governance models that represent a complete break with those with which we are familiar.

During the journey, L’Odyssée Managériale is committed to asking the following questions:

  • In the visited countries, what is the level of questioning/awareness of the ecological and social transition? How does this translate into concrete action?
  • Are there any legal models emerging to provide a framework for CSR initiatives within companies, along the lines of the French «mission-driven company» model?
  • Which innovative models and practices identified in the organizations we met could inspire French companies?
  • What cultural barriers, if any, are there to the deployment of a regenerative business model (i.e. a business model that contributes to the regeneration of living organisms within planetary limits)?

The Odyssée managérial project will enable us to delve deeper into the question of the company’s mission model around the world, and provide us with tools for continuous improvement in line with SOCAPS’ desire to explore innovative management practices in today’s and tomorrow’s context.