The purpose of the Citémômes association is to design educational and cultural mediation tools for professionals and individuals, run creative workshops and manage collective artistic projects.

«Tricote un sourire» (Knit a Smile) is an artistic, collective and intergenerational project involving the creation of textile art installations using small knitted squares made by participants from France and abroad.

The strength of the project today lies in its many impacts on health, the circular economy, inclusion and social cohesion. One of the flagship actions of «Tricote un sourire» is the international «Ensemble nous sommes Monet» (Together we are Monet) challenge, through which giant representations of Claude Monet’s paintings are made from knitted squares.

In 2023, SOCAPS employees were able to take part in the creation of a knitted work inspired by a painting from Claude Monet’s Water Lilies series, which is now on display in the Rouen offices!

The latter is part of the «Tricote un sourire» Water Lilies World Tour, with the aim of reproducing as many of the works in the series as possible in small knitted squares, according to the principle of Pixel Art, collective works in which anyone can take part!