Association sportive Tag

CYCLOCANCER  is an association and organizes a bicycle race every year in Rouen with the aim of raising funds for the Becquerel institute and cancer research. SOCAPS Fund participated in the organization of the 2019 race: LA CYCLOCANCER on September 8, 2019 in Clères (76690)....

SOCAPS FUND supported the event organized by one of the members of SOCAPS S.A., for the Association Téléthon Cauville-sur-Mer. The project allowed the setting up of a climbing wall for an afternoon and an inflatable structure, among other activities, in order to collect funds for...

A soccer club created in 1994, the Rouennaise Football Association stands out for its openness to others, regardless of religion or social background. It was awarded the 2017 Philippe Séguin Trophies by the Fondaction du Football (FFF) in the "FairPlay and Citizenship" category and the...

SOCAPS FUND is committed to the Cheval Espérance association, an equestrian center located 10 minutes from Rouen, on the edge of the Forêt Verte. For 16 years, the center has been welcoming people with physical and mental disabilities to take part in horse-related activities. Our support will...

/*! elementor - v3.17.0 - 08-11-2023 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=".svg"]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} The Union Sportive Stéphanaise (USS), chaired by a member of the SOCAPS S.A. cooperative, promotes multiple values and brings together all those who share them.USS chose handball because it's a team sport that gives a...